Saturday, September 10, 2011

Oh, What A Day!

What a Day with Family Yesterday, (picture from left to right----Minna, Rob, Senna, Kathy) Senna's beautiful home.

A lot of family history, a lot of laughs and a lot of pictures........and we only had to see 1 castle..(inside joke).
What an awesome feeling to stand in front of my grandfathers house that he grew up in and have 2 different people (me and Minna) have had 2 different grandfathers live in the same house. Rob tried the Christmas beer (Tuborg in a festive can) and and the local Schnapps. I tried the local
Have to come back though as we didn't get a chance to meet all of our relatives. chocolate.

The Canal Tour was great. Went through the entire harbour and saw the Little Mermaid. She apparently had been in China during June and July, so we were lucky she had been returned to her original spot. As always with ports, there is a lot of history about guarding the port during the wars..........but some very interesting architecture that blends in quite nicely with the traditional buildings. We really liked the house boats......some very nice ones.

Dad: I wore your New Denmark sweatshirt and a lady on the tour came to me immediately and told me she was from Nova Scotia.

Someone also came to Rob and asked him if he was Spanish...LOL Not sure where that one came from but it was out of the blue.

Very easy to get around here. The train and bus systems are very user friendly. Hint: If you come here get a Copenhagen Card. Other than food and a portion of our train ticket to Ringsted, we have not paid for anything. I am definitely going to endorse it on their website.

Wouldn't you know, as we got settled on the train to Ringsted, we sat in a "talk free zone". Are you kidding me? One man sent us to another car............we laughed, packed up our things and moved on.

Dave, am bringing you a picture Minna wanted you to have from your trip in the late 80s. You haven't aged at all.

Well, have now finished breakfast........can't stand it, going to rent a bike today and get going with the pack. However, each person that  you see on a bike looks like they are on a mission........will have to let you know later what ours is.........

See you in our travels.
K & R

1 comment:

  1. Nice! We want more pics! Especially bikes! Kathy on a no-talk train: there's a concept.
