Wednesday, September 21, 2011

At Sea--Wednesday, September 21

Hi everyone,

*****Rob saw a whale while we were working out this morning........the water was calm so he saw the steam coming out of the whales blowhole.......the whale swam in front of the boat..............******

The excitment is mounting again. The temperature is now 54 degrees F and tomorrow dropping to 44degrees F. We are about the land tomorrow morning at the largest island in the world.....Greenland. Reykjavik was the most Northern Port we were in but this is going to be very special We can't go into port so we are going to be taken in by "tenders" the little boats that are the side of this boat. 20 minute boat ride and we'll be on Greenland. 45 minutes, we should be able to walk around the entire area of QaQortoq....there is one store, one post office, a museum, a church and one know where I'm headed tomorrow. At grade 7, they are able to learn English......but the main languages are Danish and Greenlandic...
About 85% of Greenland is covered by an Ice Cap which is 2 miles in depth......but this is when Greenland has the least amount of bergs......however, to be extra careful we have one of the "Ice Patrol" workers on Board. He is a Dane who has been doing this job for a long time.....they watch for bergs by boat and by helicopter now.....should be interesting to watch..............this man will remain on our bridge throughout the stop.....h has made it 400 km away from the North Pole, so he has seen it all.
Will take lots of pictures and will load some on while on our way to Halifax.....this amazing journey is soon to come to an end.

Talk to you soon.........
See you in our travels.......
K & R

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