Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Seas Are Alive

Hello everyone,

We have no idea if you are getting rain or the effects of Katia, but what a night. No one slept. We have gone 500 miles out of our way to avoid the eye of the storm and are now past it, but are in 25 foot waves with winds of 58 mph. We are rocking and rolling and have spent the night listening to creaks and bangs as well as our patio doors kept opening from the wind all night. We are not moving very fast so won't be on land until late tomorrow......so 2 full days on the boat. .....I don't think we made it too far out from Norway last night.

This morning, at breakfast, one of the waves came up and hit the windows on the 16th floor. We are ok, not sick but some people are in bed and will stay there until this is over. I am going to start a new book. No sense bobbing and weaving all over the place.

Talk to you soon. I'll See if I can load some pictures later-----too tired at the moment.

K & R

ps if anyone wants to write back to us, you can send an e-mail to katrob@sympatico.ca
if you don't want to sign up and comment on the blog........love to hear how you are doing

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