Wednesday, September 14, 2011

British Water

Hi everyone,
We are still at sea. The British Waters are almost as rough as the North Sea was yesterday, but did get sleep last night. We are going to arrive in Scotland at approx. 7am tomorrow and then we are on land for the next 3 days..........Greenock Scotland, Dublin Ireland and then Belfast Ireland. We will be at sea each night. The wireless is too low for me to load pics but will do that once we dock in the morning. Will put on the pics of us leaving CPH and then OSLO.
See you in our travels.
K & R

1 comment:

  1. wow. sounds actually pretty cool, in a rough seas kind of way: hope you were snug in your cabin. Too bad about the Norway excursion being cancelled. Hope the excursion to Scotland is nice.
    We have not had an inch of rain or wind: Katia is saving it for Europe it seems.
