Thursday, September 15, 2011

Oslo Fiorde Cruise and Fram Museum Trip

 Went on a boat....the Johanna for a Fiorde Cruise and to see the Fram Museum. This is a little church we found in the harbour.......don't go out the back door!!
 The Fram Museum. The Fram tried to make it to the North Pole twice but an American beat them to the Pole, so they decided to go and discover the South Pole. They made it there. The interesting thing about the shape of this museum is that they built it  over and around the ship.
 Picture of the Fram from the front.
 A wall of skiis. The boat could only go so far due to the build up of ice, so the crew decided to try and ski to the Pole once the boat was stopped.

 yes, that's me driving the Fram.
Rob went all through the boat.....this is the galley......too close quarters down below for me.......

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