Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Largest Celtic Cross

A picture of the largest Celtic Cross in the world. It was erected on the side of St. Annes' Basilica in Belfast. Interesting things happening here. At 4:30 on this particular day, all the choirs from Ireland were going to join here for a concert.........the organist was practicing when we were there. Would have loved to stay for that one......the elder in the church told us we were welcome to stay but we had to get back to the boat. The chairs were very hard and very small, but each section of chairs was reserved for the "tenors", the baritones, etc.   Can you believe what that would have sounded like? Gigantic church.....a cathedral.

When we signed the guest book, the lady before us was also from Canada. She mentioned that Quebec also has a St. Annes Cathedral and I also have seen that church..........can you imagine? both of us in the church at the same time? Small world and getting smaller........

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