Thursday, September 8, 2011

Septembe r9

Not sure if it*s September 9th where you are but we have been awake for almost 24 hours but have managed to sleep off and on for the past 9 hours.

Once we got settled in the Ansgar Hotel, we went to the Tivoli Gardens. Really old but lots of new sites as well...... a cross between Canada´s Wonderland and the Canadian National Exibition in Toronto. Where we are staying is a cross between Yonge and Dundas Street and Old Quebec. Very active and cobblestoned. Will have pictures once I get a minte to take some.

Off to a Canal Cruise this morning and then off to Ringsted to meet family this afternoon. Have already met at least 3 other parties of people who are going to the Cruise on Sunday. There will be 3500 additional people running about Copenhagen today and tomorrow waiting for the ship. Apparently there are 3 Cruises taking off from here on Sunday. What a great revenue for the city.

Weather is cool. Have seen fisherman knit sweaters.......hats and gloves are out and girls are biking to work in leggings, tights and mini skirts..........did I mention they also bike in high heels?

There is a line up to get the computer this morning. Can´t keep the wireless going in our room so will sign off for now and keep you updated later......probably tonight.

See you in our travels
Love to everyone
K & R


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sheesh, I can't even figure out how to post! Glad to hear you made it across. Any biking with high heels in your future?
    We want pics!!
